Thursday, 28 April 2016

The poet, the grandad, and words on a train: my guest blogpost for Quietroom

A week ago I wrote a guest blog post for Quietroom, a team of writers, trainers and strategists. The post was called, The poet, the grandad, and words on a train. Take a look!

If your company talks in a boring or bewildering way, Quietroom can help. I know, because they improved my blog post so much. The draft I’d written for them was good, but I’d overwritten parts of it and it felt heavy as dough. Their final version, as you can see, feels light and easy.

This tells me two things. One is that Quietroom is very good with words. The other is that two heads are better than one. I knew that my post felt sluggish. The trouble was that I’d looked at it so much that I couldn’t fix it. Yet, a fresh perspective, another fresh pair of eyes, another quadruplet of cerebral lobes and the problem was solved.

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